A fungal nail infection is also referred to as onychomycosis. It is caused by fungal pathogens that penetrate the nail through small injuries, triggering an infection. The main pathogens are called “dermatophytes”; less commonly yeasts or moulds can lead to fungal nail infections.
Fungal nail infections are 4 to 7 times more common on the toenails than on the fingernails. In many cases only the big toe or little toe is affected. Roughly 19% of the adult population suffers from a fungal nail infection. For people with diabetes the risk is even higher.
The risk of contracting a nail fungus increases continuously with age. While the infection is relatively rare in children, the incidence rate is 20–30% in those over age 40. Almost every other person over 60 is affected.
But there's good news: you can treat your nail fungus effectively using Loceryl® nail lacquer.^
What helps fight nail fungus?
These measures can actively support the treatment of nail fungus.
Wash your feet daily
Wash your feet daily and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes.
Proper foot care
Have a regular foot care routine in place. This includes a moisturising cream, such as Cetaphil Intensive Moisturising Cream, to prevent your feet from drying out and cracking. This reduces the risk of fungal pathogens from penetrating the skin.
Loceryl® single-use files
To consistently fight nail fungus, only use single-use files from Loceryl®, which come free in every package. Using our single-use files prevents the fungal infection from spreading to the surrounding toenails. If you run out of single-use files you can order more from Loceryl free of charge. Call 1800 800 765 to order more.
Cotton socks
Wear socks made of cotton or other natural fibres; this will help keep your feet dry. The pathogens that cause toenail fungus prefer a damp environment. Moist skin may also lead to the fungal infection spreading more quickly.
Separate towels
Wear fresh socks every day and use a separate towel for your feet to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.
Wash your socks, towels and bath mats regularly at 60°C or hotter to kill all existing fungal spores.
Getting dressed
When you get dressed, make sure that you put your socks on first. Only after this should you put on your underwear and outer clothing. This prevents other items of clothing from coming into contact with the existing nail fungus.
Comfortable shoes
Select comfortable shoes in which your feet don’t sweat and wear open shoes as often as possible. Air your shoes well after wearing them.
Avoid pressure sores
Avoid injuries and pressure sores on the feet and toes and check your feet regularly. This is particularly important if you suffer from diabetes mellitus, circulatory problems or an immune deficiency.
Disinfect your shoes regularly
To prevent the nail fungus from spreading during treatment, spray your shoes regularly with an antifungal spray.
Wear thongs
Always wear thongs in public pools, showers or changing rooms, as well as in hotels to prevent infection.
Early stage treatment
Treat any infected nail as early as possible, as the fungal pathogens can also infect the other nails.

^Zaug M & Bergstraesser M. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1992;17(suppl 1):61-70. Funded by Roche Pharma.